Members of the Association of Boat Safety Scheme Examiners (ABSSE) form the professional link between boaters and the BSS.
We hope that visiting our website will convince you of the benefits of employing an ABSSE member when seeking an Examiner or Surveyor to carry out your Boat Safety Scheme (BSS) Examination.
The principal benefit of choosing an ABSSE member is that you will receive a consistent approach to the Examination – all ABSSE members are kept fully up to date with developments taking place in the Boat Safety Scheme via our ABSSE representatives on the BSS Advisory and Technical committees, ABSSE email group, and our five ABSSE regions who hold regular meetings in each region. Because of this, we are better placed to pass on this knowledge and benefits on to you. Our examiners are friendly and helpful in their dealings with their clients and offer a sympathetic ear whilst maintaining a highly professional approach.
If your boat does not meet the published requirements of the Scheme, your ABSSE examiner will take the time to fully explain why this has happened and you will be provided with a summary of the non-conforming item(s). Each non-conformance will be identified with an Examination Checking Procedure (ECP) number which will enable you to check to satisfy yourself why your boat was not awarded a Pass Certificate. You can find further information about each item by following the link. www.boatsafetyscheme.org/boat-examination/private-boats
Your examiner will also ensure that you fully understand exactly what remedial work needs to be done.
ABSSE is the only organisation to have Examiner representatives on all three of the decision-making ‘Technical’, ‘Advisory’ and ‘Management’ committees of the Boat Safety Scheme; this enables us to represent the interests of our members and customers through direct liaison with the Scheme owners. Additionally, we hold regular Regional Meetings where examiners are able to exchange views and formulate improvements to the Scheme – many of which are of direct benefit to the boat owner.